
Showing posts from June, 2020

My Gardening story

   Gardening is my passion right from the childhood. It is such a lovely experience when you see the plant or seed which you sowed is growing. I still remember the happiness and excitement when I first saw the seedlings of green peas which I sowed in a small wooden box when I was eight years old. That feel was completely different and it brought a sense of achievement in me.      From there I started growing small plants such as coriander and methi in small wooden boxes.  Ours is a lower middle class family so my parents were not ready to spend for gardening.I always dream to grow Rose's as my neighbours had those. They maintained rose plants only for beautiful  looks so they will not allow anyone to pluck the flower from their plants. It will bloom,gets dry and will fall down in a week. As a small girl I always want to pluck the Rose's and keep it my hair, but they will not allow.     After much arguments with my parents I got four mud flower pots when i was ten years old to g